So a lot has happened since I've last written on here, I guess I'll give you a quick recap:
Dying, hospital, hospital, dying, midterms, Rio Verde, and more midterms.
Now I'll give you a not so quick recap.
So the hospitals here...They aren't as scary as I thought, but it's definitely not an experience I'd like to repeat super soon. I went to the Hospital Metropoliano two weeks ago today with an extremely high fever (104!) and a lung infection after calling my dear friend Andrea in a complete delirium wondering what to do. She was great by the way, totally did everything she could to help me, even though when the woman was slicing my veins apart trying to get an IV in she kind of disappeared for a little bit... Anyway, I had a whole bunch of stuff done, all while trying to process the medical terminology in Spanish while my brain was absolutely cooking, and managed to get home with less of a fever. Fast forward a few days and my lung infection turned into bronchitis, so I ended up going to the hospital right next door to me (Cruz Blanca) to get a stronger antibiotic and some lung treatments.
That was Tuesday, Thursday I had a midterm (which I'm pretty sure I failed), but I decided to go as I was getting a bit stir crazy and was actually missing seeing people...I know, quite the social butterfly now right? Then Friday I left for Rio Verde to visit my dear friends Kevin, Kathy, and Kimberly Bruce for the weekend.
That was so needed, being up in the mountains, away from the city in a beautiful part of the Oriente did great things for my lungs and my spirits while I was there. We celebrated Kathy's sister and nephew's birthdays by making ice cream, roasting a rabbit and a chicken, and wrapping presents, then Sunday they held church at their house with the Awá tribe they have been working with the past several years. Although I only caught maybe a handful of words (the service was in Awá), it was wonderful being with a group of Christians that hiked upwards of three hours to be in church that morning.
I really hated saying goodbye that weekend, it felt like a safe and secure family that I hadn't had yet at that point, because my host dad was on a business trip, and I still hadn't met my host mom and sister. There had been a bit of drama with poor communication going on with the school, and I wasn't ready to deal with those issues yet. However I did come back home, and just two days later I had an entire family to come home to, eat meals with, and my daily stories with. It's been great so far, and although I tend to be a recluse of a person, I've really enjoyed having people to spend time with after getting home from school.
So, that's about what's been happening while I've been MIA on here, I feel like my thoughts aren't very well organized in this post, and that some of it doesn't make any sense as my English skills have declined significantly, but hopefully y'all get the point.
Hasta la pasta!