Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trailing on...

     I suppose the best way to start out this blog is to explain why I chose the title, "A Trail of Thoughts". Have you ever read a sentence in a novel where one of the characters, (usually the talkative or over analytic one) was shooting off thought after thought and the author gets tired of thinking up things to say, and just ends it with, "She trailed off into thought" or "Her thoughts trailed on and on"? Well, that's what I want to explore. I want to talk about those thoughts, the ones the author never mentioned, and trail on and on with thoughts that are provoking, inspiring, and disturbing. Almost like travelling the world from your couch or computer desk.

     My views and beliefs may be like none you've ever heard, sometimes lovely and easy to read; and sometimes offensive and seemingly abrasive, but that is the danger of travel my friend. Travel is filled with things that are lovely, majestic, and gratifying. However, it is also muddled with fear, doubt, and danger. The things I wish to share with you will be lovely, the love of a husband and wife, the unconditional acceptance of Jesus Christ. However, sometimes things will be difficult to read. How do you deal with anxiety, depression, loss, or fear of fellow man? How do we grasp the concept of a God that is loving, but in the same instance, wrathful? These are a few of the things I feel led to share with you, and hopefully allow you to begin your own journey of exploring your thoughts.
